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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: UDS     Developer: Unique Developments
Year of release: 1995

Box scan missing - can you help? Obsession Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Pinball

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ST Format
# 67 - Feb 95

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Homer Simpson wrote ...2004-11-21 19:59:48
This is probably the best game ive experienced for the STe. I had the demo of this which allowed you to have 2 full games. The smoothness of gameplay and the sounds were magical for an 8 yr old. I got hold of the game again just recently and ive bin playing it all the time.........F****** FANTASTIC!!!
bazfan wrote ...2004-01-17 08:12:08
i gotta say its not hard deciding what the best ste game is , there was only about 3 games made, they should have made cannon fodder ste only, then it may not have been crap.
Dma-Sc wrote ...2003-11-05 11:03:43
Ah, i got a little story about this game. ;) - I discovered it via the demo-version featured on a cover disk of the french magazine "ST-Mag". There was a friend at home this day which had a PC (with a bunch of great and astonishing games, as it was already 1995) and when he saw the pictures of Obsession in the mag he said : "Wah, it looks great, to bad for you it's a Falcon game.". Then he read ST and thought of a mistake in the mag. So i put the disk into the STe, launch the game and no, it is no Falcon only production but a STe specific gem, FINALY!!! - Coding-wise this is one of the most advanced productions made on ST(e) and the best demonstration of STe capabilities (the crew which produced this game was composed of demomakers mainly, like Thalion, and they also made the great FPS game Substation :). But it's not only visualy and sound-wise impressive, it's also a wonderful game and definitly an addiction! The tables are more interesting than Pinball Dream and Pinball Fantasies imho, my favorite being the rally one (the music in this one, aaah :). - There has been an Amiga version which, i think, was more colorful but had only 4 channels for the music+sound. - Many thanks to UDS for giving gamers a reason to have a STe. ;)
SaTcom2 wrote ...2003-03-12 01:03:42
I bought this back in '95 after playing the demo. This is still the best pinball game on any system I have ever played. And you have to love the Scandinavian accents in the voice samples. (especially the baseball table, straaAHK THReee! YOOR-awt!) I still fire it up on my Falcon every so often.
Homer Simpson wrote ...2003-02-21 18:58:04
This had the best addiction count imaginable. Unfortunately we only had the demo but it was still such a great game. I would love to get hold of this full rom.
Ragstaff wrote ...2002-09-05 09:00:10
This was a brilliant game, such a pity we had to wait until 1995 to get a game for the STe like this! The excellence of the graphics transcend mere "game grafx" - even Ps2-crazy friends of mine say it looks good, just because the colours and images are attractive - even if they were drawn on paper they would be! Gameplay, sound a grafx brilliant
McG wrote ...2002-06-20 08:16:01
The jingles & ingame music changes, coupled with a seperate fifth channel for sound fx , border removal, and lots of extra colours, oh and cracking game play make this this a truly excellent & enjoyable game. Like Maarteen my jaw dropped when I played the STF demo.
Daniel Gnadt wrote ...2002-02-13 16:49:31
By far my most favorite STe game of all time! This game is quality through and through. If only STeem would run this game:( I got rid of my STe when I moved to Texas and I REALLY miss playing this gem.
bazfan wrote ...2002-01-13 16:42:20
the nostalgia is just too much, get me a time machine, anyone seen a grown man cry. boooo oooooooooooooooo , now u have. what a game, what a machine oh yeah , pass me the tissues.......
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 15:00:42
we all knew the ST could do pinball dreams. UD went ahead and did it and more. and excellent pinball game. one thing I noticed was the relevent stereo for effects, it wasn't all on one sound channel like the amiga version. :D didn't have the same impact for me as starball (shareware!) but it is the best pinball game on the atari (and STE!... I was chuffed. one of the few STE only releases!)....
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2001-11-11 10:26:32
When I first played the demo on the ST Format cover disc my jaw dropped to the floor! Obsession is the most beautiful game for the STe! The gameplay is awesome, it's extremely addictive. The music is absolutely fabulous. Scrolling is smooth. Nothing but hails for Unique Developments. One of the greatest technical achievements for the STe (together with Substation). UDS comes in second (right after the bitmap bros) in my top of best ST game-devellopers ever!!
Mark Ashford wrote ...2001-11-07 05:57:52
One of the very best games on the STe. I think it was STe only. Great graphics and sound and very addictive. A true classic game.
tiborm wrote ...2001-11-06 15:24:33