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Robocop 3
Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Digital Image Design
Year of release: 1992

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Genres : 3D / Action / Movie License

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ST Format
# 34 - May 92

There is a prequel to this game called Robocop 2

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt_B wrote ...2006-09-04 12:05:47
The graphics were great in most of the sections, but the gameplay seemed a bit weak. I thought that the driving section had very irritating controls that made it hard to play, and the beat 'em up section was pretty poor generally. The best parts were the first person shooter bits, but even they suffered from the slightly iffy graphical effect of the moving floors. Ah well, at least it was better than the film...
Kieren Hawken wrote ...2006-01-24 20:23:03
I'd buy that for a dollar!!!!
Dma-Sc wrote ...2003-11-06 08:02:04
A really innovative and impressive production. I loved to drive in the city without carring about missions (my "no Test Drive 3 on ST" consolation ;).
Wdll wrote ...2003-07-27 12:20:07
I agree, a very good game, much better than the movie.
Sokaret wrote ...2003-04-04 15:31:33
Great game from DID, the creators of EPIC, F29 retaliator and TFX, the 3D engine isnĀ“t very fast but the game have differents levels and a great gameplay.
K.T wrote ...2002-02-14 07:05:52
Robocop 3 didn't really deserve such a good game conversion. DID did a great job with this game which overclouds the terrible movie that this game is based on. Ocean was right to comission DID to develop this game as opposed to making yet another 'platformer'.
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2001-11-13 03:12:07
Robocop 3 is a great action adventure from the people that brought us F29 Retaliator. It's a combination of a driving game, a flight sim and a 1st person shooter. You might even call it the first real doom cloon for the ST! Great graphics and sound in-game combined with some astonishing cutscenes! try it!