After the 8-bit 'Robocop', Ocean started making all these movie tie-ins with the same format - Shooting platformers. See this and 'Batman The Movie' as prime examples. Although to their credit the ST/Amiga version of 'Robocop' was a conversion of the Data East coin-op.
This looks like the 8-bit version of 'Robocop' though, which I didn't mind, but I seem to remember that 'Robocop 2' played like a bit of a dog and was way too hard.
The fact that it never had a save feature frustrated me. I also remember other frustrations about this game... The first "platformy" level was okay, but for each subsequent "platformy" level, one had to do a target practice, which would tell you what shot:kill ratio you would have for the next level. Often this would make things increasingly frustrating... I never got past level 4 by the way.
Not as good as the first robocop... Which wasn't very good... Strangely, robocop III (which came out before the film, oddly enough) by ocean (which, for what I'm about to say, is even more bizarre) was a top game, with good graphics, sound and was a damn fine laugh (the shooting bit was probably the closest the ST got to wolfenstien/doom before substation and the like appeared)... so really, this fond memory isn't of this game at all.. I'll silence