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Lotus Turbo Challenge 2
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics     Developer: Magnetic Fields
Year of release: 1992

Box scan missing - can you help? Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 Click here to listen to the music from Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 on-line
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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ST Format
# 30 - Jan 92
There is a sequel to this game called Lotus Turbo Challenge 3
There is a prequel to this game called Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt_B wrote ...2006-09-05 04:38:46
I preferred the more involved gameplay of Geoff Crammond's F1GP overall, but this was a very nice arcade-style racer if you were prepared to throw realism out of the window, and had a great two player mode. It gave a great feeling of speed with twisting and hilly tracks and an excellent soundtrack; I even prefer it to the Amiga mod version as that has some rather iffy samples. Apparently Lotus didn't want to see their cars get trashed in a computer game (on the other hand they didn't seem to mind in Turbo Esprit on the Spectrum) which is why it's impossible to crash the car or drive off the edge of the road; you just lose some of your speed instead.
Stevie B wrote ...2006-05-02 01:19:28
definitely one of the best racers, especially in 2 player mode....me and my bro in law played all 3 lotus games to the limit.....coming to think of it, the circulation in my thumb still hasnt come back ahaha....i'm gonna play devils advocate and say i didnt have a preference for either lotus 1, 2, or 3....i loved each one of them for different reasons....the great thing about this series, is they tried to do something different each time...lotus 1 was about laps of a track, lotus 2 was about stages and checkpoints and lotus 3 was a mix of both and fully custom levels could be made...hours of fun.
NeckBrace wrote ...2004-10-22 21:58:01
Great racing game, perhaps the best on the ST, with superb handling and level design, and some breath-taking graphics, as well as areal feeling of tension and excitement.
zx_b wrote ...2004-04-15 16:39:21
one of da best atari games!
triggahappy wrote ...2001-11-15 19:12:10
Yes i love this arcade racer. not a great sim but very playable with your mates. You can drive into head on traffic as well
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2001-11-11 10:18:59
I agree with matt! I used to play this game for hours with friends. The 2 player mode is great. I don't think it is a very realistic driving simulation, but it's a great arcade game that looks really polished!
Matt Taylor wrote ...2001-11-08 09:00:37
Perhaps the best of the 'Lotus' series. This games use of stage based levels adds a new frenetic feeling that was missing in the others. The sense of propulsion is amazing and, when linked with 2 players, this games provides a classic raceing experience. 8/10