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Lotus Turbo Challenge 3
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics     Developer: Magnetic Fields
Year of release: 1992

Box scan missing - can you help? Lotus Turbo Challenge 3 Click here to listen to the music from Lotus Turbo Challenge 3 on-line
Genres : Action / Racing

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ST Format
# 41 - Dec 92
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Atari ST User
# 82 - Dec 92

There is a prequel to this game called Lotus Turbo Challenge 2

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-07-26 14:17:03
A good game. Also appeared on the Amiga in the early nineties.
Stevie B wrote ...2006-05-02 01:21:55
after lotus 1 and 2, it was only natural that they should do a kind of "remix" of those two and lotus 3 was the result....great racing game i liked them all just as much as each other.....can honestly say i dont have a preference for 1, 2, or 3 i would play them all one after the other.
zx_b wrote ...2004-04-14 18:50:56
The music was awesome
Pedro Fernandes wrote ...2003-01-10 07:17:48
If I recall, this was the only Lotus game I ever played... IMO the best thanks to the RECS track creation system. Gave me countless days of fun along with my brother and some friends.
bazfan wrote ...2002-08-14 16:39:14
This was the best in the lotus trilogy, with its recs creator.It had decent speed as well.which lets face it, the faster the better.
pignolj wrote ...2001-12-04 05:38:53
can you send me lotus 3.please.@+