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Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Lucasfilm Games
Year of release: 1990

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Loom Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Graphical Adventure

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# 20 - May 90
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# 16 - Nov 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Toro74 wrote ...2006-05-21 13:12:36
Ufff ... "Loom" my favorit of all adventures ... i remember ... i took a 3 weak break when i reacheds the tornado storm ... becouse i was not able to stop him ... but ather this tree i stoped him. ;) This is one of the best games i ever played ... but i lost my codebook .... :_(
Stevie B wrote ...2003-02-13 03:23:58
Yep, it had a nice point `n click interface...a nice game that I never finished...am I just playing devil`s advocate tho or do all those lucasfilms games just feel the same (but with diff characters)?? Still a nice game tho.
Lee Tennant wrote ...2002-11-01 16:11:48
This game had a novel inter face which made it stand out from other adventure games. I think it had a good story and the music was great. Also notice how many other games that Seagull gets into!
Kathryn wrote ...2002-06-21 10:36:46
I feel that Loom is one of the best games made. It's simple with a magical plot that really takes you away. I have one wish, that the game would be released for the PC in it's orginnal format.
Themistocles wrote ...2002-06-04 09:20:57
I'll have to agree with the previous comments. This was a rather simple adventure (difficulty-wise), but the music was beautiful, the graphics were very atmospheric and the plot was a fairy-tale, to be sure! Loved this game when I was about 16, still love it now...
The Pacifist wrote ...2001-12-19 17:47:03
Nice novelty. No action commands, the entire thing is played out by playing music to objects to get them to do things....makes for a very interesting story line and it's also quite easy to complete....
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2001-11-21 10:04:09
I'm not really an adventure game lover, but Loom is one of the few games I really enjoyed playing. It's an easy adventure, for beginners...With great graphics ansd sound...And an intruiging story...The only adventure I ever managed to complete without solution :-)
joachim wrote ...2001-11-12 14:45:03
diese spiel bekam ih damals zu weihnachten. das ende ist etwas seltsam, aber es scheint nur dieses eine ende zu geben, wo das gewebe davongeflogen wird. schade eigentlich. aber es ist echt süss, spannend, fesselnd und könnte auch auf dem heutigen markt noch mithalten