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Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards
Publisher: Sierra On-line     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1987

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Graphical Adventure

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ST Format
# 53 - Dec 93
There is a sequel to this game called Leisure Suit Larry 2

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ukdesigner wrote ...2006-03-03 02:02:09
BEST ADVENTURE GAME THAT STARTED IT ALL. I remember tryin to convince my mum to answer the questions for me so i could play it. Never worked, but one day, my nan was babysitting me and i wrote down the questions and pretended it was my homework. She answered em all correct and i played the game all night! YAY!
ukdesigner wrote ...2006-03-03 02:02:08
BEST ADVENTURE GAME THAT STARTED IT ALL. I remember tryin to convince my mum to answer the questions for me so i could play it. Never worked, but one day, my nan was babysitting me and i wrote down the questions and pretended it was my homework. She answered em all correct and i played the game all night! YAY!
Wdll wrote ...2003-07-23 19:58:27
Perhaps my first adventure game that I played. Fun fun fun! However the copy I had was damaged I think and whenever I could reach the casino it would crash....crap.
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-05-21 05:56:43
Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards can be found on Automation compact disk 151.
Level 42 wrote ...2003-02-05 09:38:43
Lots of laughs....this game was actualy a graphical version of the text adventure called Soft-porn that I still have somewhere for the Atari 8 bit series. Of course I also died after my very first "date" withe the hooker upstairs ;) Some sequels werre even more fun, but there's one lousy one too, but I don't remember which it was (there's too many)
Jeff wrote ...2002-09-19 21:27:44
This is great "adult" game. I wasted many hours trying to get Larry laid!
sunspot wrote ...2002-01-12 02:42:04
Ignore ST Format's low rating - this game was a lot of obsene, juvenile, non-violent fun. Duke Nukem without the gore.