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Kid Gloves 2
Publisher: Millennium     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: Unknown

Box scan missing - can you help? Kid Gloves 2 Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Carl619 wrote ...2004-09-25 15:28:05
:'( i actually really liked this game!!!!! but i was only about 5/6 when i used 2 play it, im gona play it again 2day, ive been playing xenon 2 again. rules!!
Bandages wrote ...2004-08-19 20:28:38
I can't stand this one. Generic and unbelievable level designs with loads of logic faults, a character who looks like a faggot, unresponsive controls and 'secret' levels which appear to be impossible to reach. An insult to the reasonably good first game, whose author Tim Closs had no involvement in this.
Gavin Lee wrote ...2001-11-03 19:06:32
Its funny, I have never heard of this sequel until now. Whats also funny is the main character has taken on a form very similar to the guy out of rainbow islands.