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Kick Off
Publisher: Anco     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Kick Off Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Football
Programmer : Dino Dini    

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Atari ST User
Jul 89
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The One
# 9 - Jun 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-04-12 03:59:54
Hello!!? This was utter pants! Graphically, playablly, sound, controls... all rubbish. This game shows how old it is. Have none of you played Sensible Soccer? This game doesn't even come close to reaching that kind of quality.
Neal Holton wrote ...2004-06-12 17:48:41
loved this game - found i could always score a goal by coming in diagonally from either side of the goal!! My mate got very annoyed till he realised how to do it himself :-(
SubZero wrote ...2003-05-13 10:15:33
Brilliant football game, one of the best ever :) had hours of fun with my dad on this game!
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-02-26 19:25:33
Kick Off can be found on Automation compact disk 76, Fuzion compact disk 2 and Zuul compact disk 12.
^^Snoop^^ wrote ...2002-02-21 09:21:47
Visit www.ko-gathering.com for KO memories :)
Niclas wrote ...2002-02-21 04:41:29
I loved this game. I won two big Kick off competitions. I might have been the best Kick off player in the whole world.
Jason West wrote ...2002-01-22 05:40:12
i played this game for months, it has to be the best football game ever on any system
Sven wrote ...2001-12-15 18:27:41
I once played this one with the real time 45 min. per half just because i wanted to have a great time while waiting for Santa :-)
daniele balzano wrote ...2001-11-27 07:44:10
mark neale wrote ...2001-11-22 19:58:41
can't belive Im the first to mention this game. The start of the best football game ever made!