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Publisher: Broderbund     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: Unknown

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-08-25 09:49:37
Don't remember this game at all....
David Vicks wrote ...2004-06-16 22:21:34
Forget the joystick I used the keyboard to fight well. I agree with Camel's comments... funny and unexpected end.
BadMrFrosty wrote ...2002-06-10 19:23:47
For the year this game came out, the graphics were simply amazing. I tried playing it again recently and got absolutely no-where. Good for a quick look, but don't expect to be hooked
Camel wrote ...2002-03-31 19:35:46
This game is AMAZING. All you have to do is save the princess by kicking ass but why break a winning formula? The best thing about this game was that your character has two ways of standing: A running stance and a fighting stance. I killed the last bad guy and found the princess but I aproached her in the fighting stance and she kicked me and I died! Just like that, you have to start the game from scratch and run at her to win. If it wasn't so absurdly commical I'd have probably thrown my ST FM 520 (keeping it really real- 520's enough for me mate) out the window.