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Joe Blade
Publisher: Players     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: Unknown

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

There is a sequel to this game called Joe Blade 2

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-20 03:45:00
I disagree. Although this isn't one of the greatest games & this format of overlapped dimension platforming is tedious at times, the cartoon graphices & simple 'kill all the bad guy' gameplay works well. This is a simple & enjoyable game. However, if you're looking for something similar but better, try Black Lamp.
Tom Wellicome wrote ...2002-08-18 11:53:09
The worst ST game ever maybe. An intro tune that threatens to melt your ears, and tedious gameplay problems. These include a gun that runs out of ammo, but doesn't tell you how much ammo you've got left, ropey controls and setting off the bombs to blow up the base was a pile of pants as well. Grenades the size of a man.. what? Oh and it looked like a dogs dinner as well.