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James Pond 2 - Robocod
Publisher: Millennium     Developer: Vectordean
Year of release: 1992

Click here to see the box of this game on-line James Pond 2 - Robocod Click here to listen to the music from James Pond 2 - Robocod on-line
Genres : Action / Platform
Musician : Richard Joseph    

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ST Format
# 31 - Feb 92

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-07-16 14:02:20
Remember this game on the Mega Drive. No the best port of the genre but the playability is still there!
Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-07-07 16:53:26
A fine game!
gcurrie wrote ...2007-06-19 16:29:39
I used to play robocod alot when I was about 6 or 7 years old. It is cool I can still play it again it brings back memories.
Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-14 09:00:11
I only ever played the demo version but this is still alot of fun to play. Mickey mouse for the master System was better though.
Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 13:17:53
This was full of secrets, like the EARTH life and the fact you could walk backwards from the start and find a warp that skipped the first three levels or something. This platformer taught me to always check behind your character first. I loved the graphic work too.
SaTcom2 wrote ...2004-03-10 23:34:21
The gameplay got pretty fast like sonic in some places, and it was cool how you could stretch up with your robo-whatchamacallit to an almost unlimited altitude and sometimes there were even items hidden wayyyy up in the sky. Really cool.
bazfan wrote ...2003-11-20 10:22:53
this was a cool game, even though the scrolling was dodgy did'nt detract to much from the gameplay, and that tune was prety cool too.
guy ross wrote ...2003-10-16 18:54:20
I was surprised when they converted this f*cker to the ST. I was a good game, but the coderes hadn't smoothed out the scrolling on the ST version, so as soon as you hit the jelly level, things got nasty...
Selurtsirata wrote ...2003-09-23 20:44:34
you can get an extra life at the start if you spell earth using the first character of each item. Earth, Apple, Tap, Hammer, fuck it, you can work it out. Look at the top screen shot for help. One if my fav games on the st with great music. Im still trying to complete it
DreamCaster wrote ...2001-12-14 08:37:44
Or fuzzy little hero does it again. Another fantastic adventure into toyland.
adrian lovatt wrote ...2001-12-11 09:05:04
Awsome - it was one of my favourite platform games on the ST. Full of cutesy graphics, and good gameplay. thanks to steem - i can still play it