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Hellfire Attack
Publisher: Martech     Developer: Akaido Arcade Systems
Year of release: 1988

Box scan missing - can you help? Hellfire Attack Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Shoot-em-up

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The One
# 3 - Dec 88
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ST Action
# 8 - Dec 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-23 03:48:47
This game was far too easy, the graphics were poor & the gameplay, although pretty addictive, too simplistic. Annoying scrolling action leads me to say... stick to Afterburner!
David Chandler wrote ...2004-03-20 09:29:31
OK - I drew the Helicoptor Graphic - It was originally designed as a afterburn rip off (if I remember correctly). However Martech decided that it was too similar and the Graphics guy had moved on, so I stepped in with my chopper! Don't blame me for the parachute guy though! There was a funny story on the Speccy version. I did some graphics and sound for that (128K version had sampled rock music!) We drew some, naked woman, test graphics for the landscapes to check the vertical scroll effect. They were REM'd out for the final prob but never removed. We had to recall 'em all coz corrupt downloads were sometimes bringing out these graphics and a few parents were getting a little upset - OOPS!
lordchile wrote ...2003-10-22 12:48:24
Un juego excelente... Hello from South America - Chile
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-10 20:25:32
I have quite a few memories of this game. In 1989, I did very bad at it. When I got older, I got better at it and the best level I've gotten to was level 8. My brother used to own the original Automation compact disk 25 floppy disk when he used to own an Atari ST computer back in 1989. This is a cool shoot 'em up game. The best part I liked was when I was on the ocean level and when I go to the bottom, I destroy pieces of land. That also got me extra points but if I stayed in that same position too long, I would get shot. Other great games that I also played on Automation compact disk 25 was Pacmania, Solomon's Key, International Karate Plus, Pepsi Challenge, Harrier Strike Mission, Metrocross. Check out my other comments on these games.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-10-09 08:01:36
Never played it but I remember it got bad ratings in the german magazine Powerplay....