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Publisher: Logotron     Developer: Astral
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Archipelagos Click here to listen to the music from Archipelagos on-line
Genres : 3D / Strategy
Programmer : Paul Carruthers     Artist : Paul Carruthers    

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of The One
The One
# 7 - Apr 89
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ST/Amiga Format
# 11 - May 89
Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of Atari ST User
Atari ST User
Jun 89
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» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Antarro wrote ...2003-10-10 06:36:30
Loved this. The music was bloody marvellous and some of the level were pretty hectic. A very simple but very effective game. 96%.
D Herring wrote ...2003-05-08 17:47:32
The PC version seems to have moved to http://www.sold-out.co.uk/unshock/soldout/products/archi2k.html
SaTcom2 wrote ...2003-03-08 22:18:31
Flipping brilliant. There are a tiny handful of games in history that have the same kind of appeal and replayability as a good board game of old. Archon springs to mind. So does this game. Brilliant, great user interface, simple, atmospheric, and just the right amount of learning curve and tension. And some of the best 3D graphics seen on the ST. Incredibly creepy trees too. Everyone must play this!
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-11 23:28:38
Archipelagos can be found on Automation compact disk 228.
Flip Martian wrote ...2002-08-13 08:03:53
The music was 1st class - a good example of what to do with an ST soundchip. Graphics pretty impressive when it came out, gameplay well balanced - but the music really works making you more tense as you try and beat the clock. Excellent.
adrian lovatt wrote ...2001-12-11 09:27:17
Wonderful, atmospheric music!