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Grand Monster Slam
Publisher: Rainbow Arts     Developer: Golden Goblins
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Grand Monster Slam Click here to listen to the music from Grand Monster Slam on-line
Genres : Fantasy / Sports

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ST/Amiga Format
# 13 - Jul 89
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Atari ST User
Aug 89
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The One
# 8 - May 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Bloodstone2k wrote ...2003-01-26 17:42:54
Innovative, addictive... even after 10+ years. I would like to see this one come back on a modern console system. This was a FANTASTIC party game!
Jimbo wrote ...2003-01-14 11:54:57
The mini games were really hard, and once you reached the next division where there was a fence in the middle of the pitch the actual games became really hard too. But it was GREAT...
valuigi wrote ...2002-12-08 17:00:05
i'd second all that has been written and add that the style of this game is very compelling. you could describe it as a bizarre tolkien-esque germanic fantasy games. the music, as usual in ST games, compliments proceedings excellently and the inventivness and creativity evident here creates a highly unusual and fascinating game. great fun! check it out!
Oid wrote ...2002-01-22 16:25:09
This is proberly the best sports game i've ever played. It was so simple, just kicking strange furry animal over to the other size of the court before you opponent has kicked all theres to your side. The best thing was that with practice you could aim the balls and knock your opponent over, thus giving you more time to kick more. One of the greatest moments in my gaming life was being able to put together a run where I hit my opponent with every ball and win before he had a chance to kick one! The game also featured 3 divisions. In division 2 a wall is introduced in the middle of the court. This adds much more to the game as if you don't get the ball over the wall it can come back and hit you. One of the most interesting things about this game was that once you were good at it, you stayed good at it. I remember playing for ages to get to the last bloke (never beat him!), then I fired up my ST about 7 years later and got to the last bloke again straight away, again did'nt win. All in all i can't fault this game (apart from the odd mini-game) - Fantastic gameplay, great graphics and some of the best music on the ST.