I have many memories of playing this game. I remember that when I first saw this game and completed the first level, I laughed so much hearing what the guy says. Even though I couldn't make out what he was saying. As I got older, I got the chance to play this in the arcades and did pretty good on it. APB All Points Bulletin can be found on Automation compact disk 136, Federation of Free Traders (FOFT) compact disk 23 and Flame of Finland (FOF) compact disk 21.
My first game on the ST, as i'd gone out to buy it on the c64 and my bruv told me he'd brought an ST with mum!! Loved the graphics being so close to the arcade original
This was great in the arcades, but I thought the ST version was a bit poor really. The graphics were a bit slow and jerky, but the game was still good fun.
I used to love this game but I have not played it for years, inerogating the suspects was what we all looked forward to!
This was clearly the inspiation for GTA you only have to play it to see that!