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Publisher: Electronic Arts     Developer: Bullfrog
Year of release: 1988

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet
Programmer : Glenn Corpes     Artist : Glenn Corpes     Musician : Glenn Corpes    

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The One
# 2 - Nov 88

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-07-07 15:22:16
Don't remember this game well but it was certainly from a reputable saler.... GOD BLESS BULLFROG!!
Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-07-07 15:09:35
Bull Frog were the best development team of the Nineties! Check out Speedball II.
Deek069 wrote ...2004-10-08 14:24:20
This game became more know of a court case than the gameplay. Basically EA took a game's magazine to court for giving this game a bad review based upon review code. In them days, you would often get a review for a game months before it was released as they would review the games on the previews sent by the software companies. After this court case this practice was greatly reduced.