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Flying Shark
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1988

Box scan missing - can you help? Flying Shark Click here to listen to the music from Flying Shark on-line
Genres : Shoot-em-up
Programmer : Henry S Clark     Programmer : Karl D Jeffrey     Artist : Jason G Lihou     Artist : Robert A Hemphill    

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The One
# 3 - Dec 88

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Hoppy wrote ...2004-10-14 19:41:10
Brilliant game. Well it was until you die then realise you're only shooting two bullets instead of TWELVE at once. After this it becomes too hard and you have to turn on Xenon 2 :(
NeckBrace wrote ...2004-10-05 21:40:08
Brilliant scrolling shooter, only SWIV can beat it. Unspectacular graphics but action-packed responsive gameplay.
Wdll wrote ...2003-07-27 14:54:18
Very good game. I first played it on an Amstrad 6128 with colour monitor and I was hooked! I searched for an ST version but didnt find one till many years later. Good game, although I am pretty bad at it, as in most similar games. :-)
Steven Blackburn wrote ...2003-01-13 18:13:20
I liked this game so much I bought it before I even had my first Atari ST.... Very tricky to play tho and don't recall ever completing it. I do remember clicking the mouse button with my foot to release the smart bomb so that I didn't have to move my hand from the joystick. The music didn't take long to repeat tho and could get on your nerves after two hours of playing. Oh, and it was one of those anoying games which didn't have many 'save' points so dying could result in you going back quite a way.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-04-29 04:40:28
Cool one! Almost as hard as the arcade machine but quite funny to play. Cannot beat Xenon 2 though!
Ian Perrett wrote ...2001-12-04 05:37:10
Quailty game, used to play it a lot.
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2001-11-21 09:58:25
great shoot 'em up...A much better scroller then 1943! Give it a go!