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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: Electronic Arts     Developer: Bullfrog
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Flood Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Platform / Puzzle / Shoot-em-up

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ST Format
# 13 - Aug 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

adam payne wrote ...2006-09-27 11:01:57
An underappreciated gem of a puzzle game and not that well known either. It's one of my all time favourite ST games and is well worth a look even if your not a puzzle game fan.
Baldur Björnsson wrote ...2004-04-28 05:46:51
one of my favorite games. amazingly cute carnage. note the chicken
Trigger Happy wrote ...2003-11-01 18:20:14
A very good game. Simple!
Lee Tennant wrote ...2002-08-02 15:28:02
This was a very good puzzel game and hade very good effects. The very different from most games.
K.T wrote ...2002-02-14 11:19:59
One of the lesser known Bullfrog titles - this was a great little action/puzzle title. Nice graphics and sampled sound(a rarity in those days). The idea of imposing a time limit from the flood was and still is great.
Chris Bourne wrote ...2002-02-13 19:07:47
Probably the least remembered game produced by Bullfrog (populous,Powermonger) but is actually one of the best arcade games released on the 16-bit machines. The main character is undeniably cute and some of the water-effects are fantastic.
^^Snoop^^ wrote ...2002-02-08 06:06:39
Good game with a good challenge. If I remember right, you had to collect rubbish from underneith the water or something ... maybe not, worth playing anyway ; )