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Altered Beast
Publisher: Activision     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Coin-op Conversion

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ST Format
# 4 - Nov 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

txini wrote ...2011-02-05 13:13:36
bazfan wrote ...2009-06-23 18:16:15
This is now released on xbox live arcade, and i still cant see what the fuss is all about. The gameplays far to repetitive for my liking.
doctor shred wrote ...2007-03-15 09:43:15
I played this in the arcade and loved it. I bought the ST version and although it had it's moments it was a bit of a let down. I agree with Matt Bailey, the Megadrive version is far superior.
Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-24 04:00:32
Without a doubt one of the best platformers there ever was but the ST version let me down with bad graphics & was a little easy. Stick to the Mega Drive conversion of Sega's arcade classic!
BlueMak wrote ...2004-05-27 07:56:22
Not the best of games but not bad either. I actualy managed to finish this one. A bit sort if I remember correctly.
bazfan wrote ...2004-01-15 08:21:48
it seemed that back in the 16bit years that if a game was hyped to death then it was brill, this is one of those games hyped crap.
Martin Sutcliffe wrote ...2003-11-23 11:18:44
One of the better coin op conversions, again much better on the sega megadrive
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-11 06:21:15
Altered Beast can be found on Automation compact disk 147, Medway Boys compact disk 42 and Pompey Pirates compact disk 16.
David Vaughan wrote ...2001-12-05 18:10:26
When I first played this game on the Atari ST back in 1988, I wasn't so good at it. I never even beat the game back then because when the disk tried to load the last area, it would cause an error. Since I found Atari ST emulation, I have played this game many times. Now, I'm so good that I can beat the rhino on the last level without using the trainer for infinite lives. This is a big Sega classic.