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Publisher: Mirrorsoft     Developer: Spectrum HoloByte
Year of release: 1988

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Genres : 3D / Flight Simulator / Link-Up

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Atari ST User
Mar 89
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The One
# 3 - Dec 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2007-05-14 14:32:05
Great game! I've played it via serial link with friends on their ST's and Amigas. The Amiga version provided the better sounds, but in the dog fights the ST has had a noticable advantage coz of the slightly faster CPU frequency :P
Peter Nuttall wrote ...2006-09-20 07:21:35
Who else thought the voice that said "Warning" actually said "Horny"? Listen again... The Double Dragon mission was just IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Scoot wrote ...2004-04-11 21:47:59
Great game with some nice GFX. Pity the updates came in a bag the size of mars. If only they fixed the damn bugs at the beginning of release rather than 6months of airspace later ;) you just gotta love the samples though...
GozZilla wrote ...2003-10-31 03:19:41
Great game, simply loved playing it. Wasn't to good at it. Only managed to get the Purple Heart medal
Harm wrote ...2002-12-22 15:43:53
Ever played Head to Head duels? Marvelleous...
Genoil wrote ...2002-05-05 18:45:26
i just loved to fly UNDER those trucks :)
Mark Ashford wrote ...2001-11-06 06:28:25
The STs best flight simulator? Probably, with great graphics and lots of different missions, involving dogfights with MIGs and bombing runs, as well as those on the expansion discs. It was enhanced if you had 1 meg of RAM as well, and was linkable with a null-modem cable for multiplayer dogfights!