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F-15 Strike Eagle 2
Publisher: Microprose     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1991

Click here to see the box of this game on-line F-15 Strike Eagle 2 Click here to listen to the music from F-15 Strike Eagle 2 on-line
Genres : 3D / Flight Simulator / Military / Strategy

There is a prequel to this game called F-15 Strike Eagle

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2010-10-23 14:52:51
A fine game! Better on the Amiga and loosely based on F-29 retaliator.
Darkbee wrote ...2003-06-27 08:29:36
I agree with other users, F-15 SE II was not a great flight simulator but as a shoot 'em with a semi-realistic 3D flight model and environment it worked well. It was the type of game you'd go back to every once in a while just for a quick blast.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2003-05-30 12:37:37
The only ST flight sim I managed to play and fly sofar. A little bit simple but a straightforward, "fly and blast" game. Not a real state-of-the-art flightsim but an easy one to play and enjoy. It gives you a nice arcade shooter feeling which makes the same thing real fun. If you want to blast MIGs out of the sky without too much trouble, this one is for you!
Kwong Wah wrote ...2002-05-03 14:46:34
This was for me basically an improved F 19 stealth fighter game. The engine and flight handling was next to if not identical, but there was one major difference between the two games, F 19 you had to sneek about, F 15-2 you went around blowing everything up, it had a more arcade feel to it than F-19. thus it was simplier to play, for one it had "auto land" wow wee did that simplfy one thing that frustrated the heck out of me on F-19 when I failed to land properly and died. Never the less it was enjoyable but a wee bit too easy.