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Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Digital Image Design
Year of release: 1992

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Epic Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : 3D / Sci-fi / Simulation

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ST Format
# 37 - Aug 92
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Atari ST User
# 79 - Sep 92

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

bazfan wrote ...2010-07-03 16:41:38
@Thomas Todd. Thats gotta be the bargain of the decade. When i first bought my 520ST it cost over £700 quid.
Thomas Todd wrote ...2010-06-27 09:32:11
few weeks ago I actually found myself a fully working Atari 1040 STe for £2 with original mouse and games I am so happy because the STe is my all-time favourite computer, decided to also dig my old disks out and amongst them was an original copy of EPIC. That music is brilliant which is from an album called "The Planets" and the music is called "Mars The Bringer Of War"
Martin Sutcliffe wrote ...2004-01-28 11:38:32
Epic is on D-BUG 90A & 90B
Sokaret wrote ...2003-04-04 15:33:54
EPIC is a great SCI-FI arcade adventure, the history, the graphics, the sound, the gameplay..all is great, the PC version is more faster but the ST is a great job from DID
Fenix wrote ...2002-11-14 20:11:58
A truly excellent game. Unfortunately it doesn't like Ataris with more than 1 Mb Memory so I never got to hear the music.
Lone Wolf wrote ...2002-10-20 18:08:49
Played this game right to the end. While it was hard to find the solution to the missions half the time and getting through without the built in cheat mode was nigh on impossible, I played it again and again. But then maybe I'm just sad...
Milg wrote ...2002-02-25 13:41:05
What a rubbish game! I remember the 1st mission, I couldn't do it; you just had to move up and down and there was this rubbishy band of asteroids or something and eventually you got bored of looking at these asteroids, so you stopped playing. The intro was &*(&*()& stupid too, I mean did it have a plot? No, it was just some spaceships and some "scary" music.
hAckbOt wrote ...2002-01-27 15:01:13
Epic was the first 3D game I ever played ... The most impressive thing in this game is the music. Great symphony sounds (for a ST), good theme, we feel like in Star Wars ! But handling is (for me at least) difficult and game time is too short ! Missions are difficult to understand and difficult to accomplish ! but cheating is easy (simply type Enter key !)
Jehl Xavier wrote ...2001-11-04 15:50:01
Hello, I'm would like to have this game because my original St disk are dead, so, anybody can son it me ? Thanks!