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Return to the LGD home page Atari ST Games Archive Trash Can!
Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: PD / Shareware     Developer: Not Applicable
Year of release: 1992

Box scan missing - can you help? Droid Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Platform / Sci-fi / Shoot-em-up
Programmer : Miles Lord    

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

David Vaughan wrote ...2003-10-27 19:18:32
Droid can be found on D-Bug compact disk 60A and Adrenalin compact disk 20.
Steve Hall wrote ...2003-09-11 17:25:03
Such a good game... One of the best PD releases I ever played. How the hell did you complete it? I remember getting completely stuck-- I just managed to get a copy of it running on steem, AND I STILL CANT DO IT!!!! perhaps I'm getting too old for this stuff....
Tim Wilson wrote ...2003-08-05 08:28:23
God, I used to LOVE this game! Spent many, many hours playing it through, even though I already finished it to completion many times over. One of the best PD games available!
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-15 23:47:51
AH! I remember this little gem of a PD game... Kind of like xenon but platformer with cool weapons. Never got very far on it though :)