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Double Dragon 2
Publisher: Virgin Games     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Double Dragon 2 Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Beat-em-up / Coin-op Conversion

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ST Format
# 5 - Dec 89
There is a sequel to this game called Double Dragon 3
There is a prequel to this game called Double Dragon

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Mayor_Haggar wrote ...2004-09-20 00:05:41
Yes, lets be realistic. Its not the best game ever but...........its a decent conversion. Maybe it lacks some iportant moves which you could use in the arcade version such as beat punks with your knee but playability, sound and above all graphics are good enough to give this game a try :) Double dragon 2 is one of the best side scrolling brawlers ever made, in fact, for me its more than a game. Its a memory.................
Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 10:36:17
I agree with K.T. It felt like an inferior rehash of the first game. Though the bosses were a lot more imaginative, especially the S&M guy who disappeared once you killed him...
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-10-27 14:35:13
Double Dragon II: The Revenge looks more like the arcade version since the characters are done the same way. I've played this game just a few times and it's pretty good. Double Dragon II: The Revenge can be found on Automation compact disk 219.
Violent Cat wrote ...2003-09-16 17:00:48
Double dragon 2 was my favorite game those days i first saw the arcade version it was great but the ST vesion was very poor
callenord wrote ...2002-10-01 11:45:18
Double dragon 1 is a far better game
Pete Cullen wrote ...2002-09-01 11:43:26
The ST version of this game was a heck of a tragedy. My cousin had the Amiga version and it was fantastic, great music, etc. Typically we got the poor relation version.
K.T wrote ...2002-02-14 11:30:06
Just a rehash of the original and not a very good one at that. The ST version was equally disappointing - no music and the sound effects were pathetic. Note: One of the moves which is the only one that looks cool doesn't actually do anything - it never connects cos no matter what the enemy will dodge it - not a matter of timing either. Terrible!
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 00:07:54
an ultimately dissapiointing sequel, tragically missing some of the cool moves in the original :(