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Curse of the Azure Bonds
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Stategic Simulations Inc
Year of release: 1991

Box scan missing - can you help? Curse of the Azure Bonds Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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ST Format
# 21 - Apr 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt_B wrote ...2006-09-04 11:37:09
Not a bad little game really, but nowhere near in the same class as the likes of Dungeon Master, Captive and Ishar. It also seemed to crash a lot on my STE.
Josef Harringer wrote ...2003-08-11 09:07:03
Oh, how I wanted to love Curse. I used to play "real" rpg:s at the time (The pen and paper kind) and I loved that Curse was based on D&D. I loved that you could choose how thhe characters should look and I loved that it featured a strategy based combat system and had a great storyline. However - the game kinda sucked. The "3D" Dungeon Master style grafix looked awful and the battles where teadious and all battle scenes looked the same. I WANTED to love it so much that I played it for days, pretending to have fun...sad. Great manual though!
Hanno wrote ...2003-05-25 16:04:23
Hey.. these Bonds .. they're moving... arghh
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-02-18 00:00:37
Curse of the Azure Bonds can be found on Automation compact disk 428.