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Continental Circus
Publisher: Sales Curve     Developer: Teque Software
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Racing

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The One
# 13 - Oct 89
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ST Format
# 4 - Nov 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Grunaki wrote ...2006-05-31 00:45:20
'Donkey Kong' was actually meant to be called 'King Kong', but yes, there was an error in translation.. Probably much to Nintendo's benefit really - I doubt 'King Kong' would have gotten as far as 'Donkey Kong' has... ;-) 'Continental Circus' went nowhere though... My Dad used to repair arcade games back in the day, and this was one of them.. The one he had to fix was always having problems and the 3D imagery was very dodgy. The ST version was a decent enough conversion of a mediocre arcade game. The thing I remember most about this was that I bought it from John Menzies (when they were still around) and they had some short-lived system where they had bought the rights to a bunch of games and you picked one off the shelves and they wrote it to floppy for you from a server they had behind the counter. I thought it sucked because I got an original case for it, but the actual disk was some dodgy generic orange floppy with a label that said "games system" or "original game" or something on it and looked like a copy, which was highly lame. Oh yeah, and the guy screwed up because he thought it was a two-disc game but it was only one, so I ended up with two copies and gave one to my friend.
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-01-11 17:33:48
Continental Circus can be found on Automation compact disk 288 and Zuul compact disk 10.
bazfan wrote ...2002-01-13 17:13:35
was meant to be called continental circuits, but there was a screw up in the translation, just like donkey kong was meant to be called monkey kong.......
Mark Ashford wrote ...2002-01-09 06:32:52
This was a conversion of the Taito arcade machine. The coin-op was unlike any other at the time because it was in a kind of 3d, and you watched the game with special glasses. Obviously the ST version did not have this feature so you were left with a standard arcade style racing game, which was quite good fun, but I remeber it being quite hard. Worth a look.