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Castle Master
Publisher: Domark     Developer: Incentive Software
Year of release: 1990

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Castle Master Click here to listen to the music from Castle Master on-line
Genres : 3D / Fantasy / Puzzle
Programmer : Paul Gregory    

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The One
# 19 - Apr 90
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ST Format
# 10 - May 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-13 08:45:59
Okay the graphics were poo, but this game offer loads & a good atmosphere too. Knightmare was better though.
Lee Tennant wrote ...2004-11-01 22:40:18
I remember playing this first on a 48K Spectrum and the 3D effects seemed really good for the time. Playing it on the ST was better with more colour and faster game play, but by then there were other better alternatives.
Tristure wrote ...2003-03-30 12:53:48
Well, VulgarMike, Castle Master certainly isn't as groundbreaking and accomplished as Dungeon Master was, but still it's a very good game. Anyway it isn't a role playing game, so comparing it with DM is quite useless. This is a 3D (first person view) adventure/action game. The graphics are quite poor, but the 3D animation is good. The sounds are acceptable. Technically this is no masterpiece, but the overall atmosphere is really good, and the riddles you have to solve are interesting. It is definitely worth a try. And the soundtrack music at the beginning is one of the best is know.
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-01-09 13:27:30
Castle Master can be found on Flame of Finland (FOF) compact disk 4, Fuzion compact disk 4, Zuul compact disk 49 and Pompey Pirates compact disk 35.
VulgarMike wrote ...2002-07-15 13:16:13
Having played Dungeon Master, my father thought this would be something in comparrison... Definately not!