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California Games
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Choice
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Action / Modern Day / Sports

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of ST Format
ST Format
# 25 - Aug 91
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The One
# 5 - Feb 89

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

doctor shred wrote ...2007-03-15 10:05:55
I never played the ST version but the Lynx version is awesome! I still play it today. The stunts possible in the BMX event are ridiculous.
bazfan wrote ...2004-01-15 07:55:18
this game is awsome on c64,megadrive and mastersystem. still cant get hold of the st version, but if its the same as amiga (which i am tipping it is) then i dont think its so good.
Atarispund wrote ...2003-04-29 17:40:17
California Games....my first game on C64.DonĀ“t have for ST,but fine game
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-01-09 11:54:10
California Games can be found on Special FX compact disks 80A and 80B, Superior compact disk 73 and Bad Brew Crew compact disk 48.
bazfan wrote ...2002-07-03 16:51:26
I tried for years to get this on the st, never did, but i enjoyed the 8bit versions, especially the master system.Think i'll download it for winston. :)
Feige wrote ...2002-01-23 06:54:46
Apart from all those olympic games,California Games is quite nice. But the version I liked most was the one on the Lynx.