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Bubble Dizzy
Publisher: Code Masters     Developer: The Oliver Twins
Year of release: 1993

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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ST Format
# 44 - Mar 93

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

bazfan wrote ...2006-09-30 19:20:33
zx_b. you fuckin worm, why not just post the links, nobodys sucked up to ur candy ass, you slime.
bazfan wrote ...2006-09-09 19:14:58
fuckin awsome game, end off, i will spit in the face of anyone who disagrees
zx_b wrote ...2004-04-13 17:00:17
and this game by the real dizzy fans is considered a piece of crap... i like it alot though... the atari vers had the most action i think!
zx_b wrote ...2004-04-13 16:59:30
guys there is a dizzy forum yknow, 3 actually! email me if u want the links
bazfan wrote ...2004-01-15 07:51:04
only 58% st format reviewers were thick or they all had amigas and hated there job so much. i now believe it is st format who ended the st's life. they all wanted jobs on amiga format, so had to kill the st of as a gaming platform. BITCHES.
SaTcom2 wrote ...2003-11-28 01:00:36
This is the only dizzy game worth playing. Totally unique, totally unlike all the other dizzy games and actually totally unlike any other game I can think of. Ride upwards on bubbles to reach the top, you spend a lot of time falling off of different sized bubbles and trying to land on the next one, riding them until they pop. Fast action, smooth animation. A wonderful time will be had by all.
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-01-09 02:50:56
Bubble Dizzy can be found on D-Bug compact disk 44, Superior compact disk 113, Pulsion compact disk 172, Pompey Pirates compact disk 105 and Fuzion compact disk 160.
bazfan wrote ...2002-01-16 16:55:48
i remember this game with so many fond memories, i thought it was cool as hell, the gameplay is simple, get to the top b4 ur oxygen runs out. brilliant, and a budget release i think...cost about 8.99