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Dragon's Lair
Publisher: Empire     Developer: Readysoft
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Action / Cartoon

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# 12 - Jul 90
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# 5 - Feb 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Stevie B wrote ...2006-05-01 21:59:49
despite the hate that surrounds this series of games (oooh you bitter people!!) i really enjoyed the dragons lair/space ace series....no-one had ever seen graphics like these before and yes, even tho the gameplay was limited and frustrating, i could just as easily sit and watch the thing as a cartoon and get as much pleasure from it......ironically, this is not what I would call a "game" as such, more of a "playable demo"....i believe the developers were attempting to do something different with computer games and i for one applaud their efforts......thinking back though, i can easily see how some people may have felt cheated at having to pay game price for what essentially was an interactive demo.
Karen wrote ...2006-05-01 00:35:34
I never owned this one, but I owned Space Ace which I think was by the same animator (Don Bluth?). I think he was involved in the American Tail movies as well. (Fievel the mouse). I do remember playing it in Skegness arcade though!!! A frustrating game to lose 20p on!
8/16bit wrote ...2004-01-28 13:42:03
this was only played in the mid 80's becos nobody had ever seen the likes of those graphics before, cost a quid a game as well, jesus.
Marron wrote ...2002-07-23 15:55:17
It took more disk swapping then a computer convention!
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 13:49:15
about 18 disks. no gameplay. but someone must've bought copies. me? I got the PD demo :D