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Gauntlet 3 The Final Quest
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Software Creations
Year of release: 1991

Box scan missing - can you help? Gauntlet 3 The Final Quest Click here to listen to the music from Gauntlet 3 The Final Quest on-line
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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The One
# 31 - Apr 91
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ST Format
# 31 - Feb 92

There is a prequel to this game called Gauntlet 2

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Martin Sutcliffe wrote ...2004-02-05 07:19:14
Anyone know where i can find this ?
SaTcom2 wrote ...2003-04-13 01:58:07
So I got my hands on this one next ($30, ouch!), expecting something awesome. Did they playtest this or what? This seems to run at about 20% of the intended speed. Add some seriously flawed control and gameplay to the mix and you have the biggest travesty seen on the system since STUN Runner. The graphics are nice though, and there's lots of weird new characters to drag though the quagmire, but that's all irrelevant.
bazfan wrote ...2002-06-05 16:17:55
yep, this is where it all fell apart, what a shocker!!!
K.T wrote ...2002-02-14 06:35:16
Easily the worst of the "Gauntlet" games. This one abandons the birds eye view perspective for an isometric playing field - which isn't the problem. Rather the sluggish controls and poor collision detection sank this one instantly.