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Elvira the Arcade Game
Publisher: Flair Software     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1992

Box scan missing - can you help? Elvira the Arcade Game Click here to listen to the music from Elvira the Arcade Game on-line
Genres : Action
Musician : Sean Conolly    

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ST Format
# 34 - May 92

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

David Vaughan wrote ...2004-01-01 19:26:58
Elvira - The Arcade Game can be found on Superior compact disk 107.
J. Stock wrote ...2003-09-27 12:01:08
Flair should never have bought up the Elvira licence if this was what they did with it. It's amusing at first, but it loses its shine upon having gaffed the 4324th ice mephit or being burninated yet again by that big dragon. And the levels are huge and samey. They could have put in more variation in enemies, and tripled the number of levels and shrunk them slightly.
Sokaret wrote ...2003-04-07 10:26:19
I play this game in PC & amiga, the ST version lost the background graphics but the gameplay is intact, cool game.
st-reviewer wrote ...2003-04-06 11:35:56
Oh dear,oh dear, oh dear. This looks good when static, loses the plot all together when moving though, its to damn slow and jerky, and the gamplay is crap. i bet the amiga version was far better
bazfan wrote ...2002-03-14 16:54:37
very very nice gfx, though i just could'nt seem to get on with the game some how , it just seemed shallow and empty and the scrolling was a bit dodgy as well.