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Publisher: Psygnosis     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1988

Box scan missing - can you help? Obliterator Click here to listen to the music from Obliterator on-line
Genres : Action / Sci-fi / Shoot-em-up

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ST Action
# 2 - Jun 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Kevin Schneider wrote ...2005-11-29 20:32:20
I have the LGD disk and haven't found Obliterator there. This could be an oversight or it isn't there. I have an original copy on two floppies. Could These be used to make an image and be returned to me intact?
mikeohhh wrote ...2002-04-08 22:31:06
I liked this game. It is very simillar to barbaran. It did let you save the game. but only one. It would save the game on top of the previous saved game. Very addictive. A must for every st library.
andy law wrote ...2002-01-12 02:40:36
This game was purchased just after Barbarian, me and my brother enjoyed barbarian so much that we saved up enouch cash to purchase it! if you enjoyed barbarian, then you shouldn't miss this one! another similiar title was "scrull".
James Fredericks wrote ...2001-11-05 15:31:05
A cool game by Psygnosis, it is kinda weird controls but very fun. I finished it. It is a platform game that is icon driven by icons at the top a-la Barbarian if you know that one. Like I said, the controls were weird, but after awhile they were ok. The graphics were superb. All in all, a very enjoyable game!