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Death Sword
Publisher: Epyx     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1987

Box scan missing - can you help? Screen Shot Required Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Beat-em-up / Fantasy

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Mike McCormack wrote ...2009-09-07 11:08:54
Of all the games I played on this system...this was one of my all time favorites! You and a friend could sit and battle it out for hours and come back for more the next daya! I had a strategy that was unbeatable in this rudimentary 2D sword fighting game that is more fun then most games available now! Simple...but Great graphics and sound! The goblin will make you laugh every-time...
ZZip wrote ...2004-02-12 16:37:09
This is the same game as "Barbarian" (not the Psygnosis one, the other one). Death Sword is a US release with a name change to clear up the confusion.
James Fredericks wrote ...2002-02-02 01:38:55
Oh my gosh this game was fun! You talk about a simple concept... Two players, 2D arena, fighting, hacking, and headchopping. This was the best of fun to play even though it wasn't very deep, it never got old getting in a good old fashioned decapitation. The little green gremlin that walked on and dragged your body off would also kick your head off, adding insult to injury. The sounds were so funny, and yet fit this game well. All in all, it was a really fun game!