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Space Ace
Publisher: Empire     Developer: Readysoft
Year of release: 1990

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Space Ace Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Cartoon

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The One
# 16 - Jan 90
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ST Format
# 10 - May 90

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2007-05-14 15:38:59
Just a graphics demo on 4 disks that can be played in less than 10 minutes once you figured our which key to hit in which moment (only a very few per screen...). It's fun to watch, sounds nice too, uses enhanced STE colours (that's why I bought it, as it was one of the very first), but after all it was wasted money.
Karen wrote ...2006-05-01 00:32:46
I was obsessed with having this game for my birthday as a young girl - my mum eventually relented and bought me it even though it cost 40 quid!! In the late eighties!! What, would that be about 60 or 70 now at least? She wasn't too pleased then, when I finished it in a day. I couldn't help it - I was so proud of myself for finishing that I had to run and tell her - after which I felt extremely guilty. For days!
Lee Tennant wrote ...2004-10-16 22:11:30
Good to watch, poor to play!
Selurtsirata wrote ...2003-09-23 19:57:34
what the hell was up with the control system i loved the look of it, probally one of the best on the atari but the gameplay sucked. I really wanna find the crack for this, and mock its arsewipe designer. Can anyone help?
Naykon wrote ...2002-09-14 12:46:59
wtf??!!! was this game all about, thats what i wanna ask the dickhead who designed it
Ian howard wrote ...2002-09-01 06:13:26
ass munch and butt wipe
Ian howard wrote ...2002-09-01 06:12:26
Space ace the defender of truth and justice......wahhhhhh ive been hit!!!!
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-05-06 12:52:27
Does anyone know where to get this game for the ST?
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 15:28:27
I'm sure everyone did it. get this hacked, then typein the cheat to watch it all the way through. prooving the game was pants..... but looked nice..
The Pacifist wrote ...2001-12-19 17:40:26
Okay, it's good for showing off what your ST can do, with excellent graphics and sound, although they seem to have forgotten to put a game in with it....more interactive games can be found on Sky Digital....
nostromus wrote ...2001-11-16 09:04:47
es el juego con el que puede ver aprovechada toda la fuerza multimedia del atari st.. gracias por este juego!!!!