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Publisher: ERE     Developer: Exxos
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Graphical Adventure / Sci-fi
Musician : Stephane Picq     Artist : Michel Rho     Programmer : Patrick Dublanchet    

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# 1 - Aug 89
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Jul 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2007-05-14 14:51:29
Very good graphics (of course, by the French!), but the graphics were mostly the only reason to really play it. The tasks were easy to solve, and once you've finished the (short) game, the motivation to play it again was quite low (for me at least).
akze wrote ...2006-05-03 09:03:32
Great classic. Winter nights favourite hobby :)
Marchocias wrote ...2004-07-17 04:03:54
"What are you doing with a zapstick, Offa?"
Buchaka wrote ...2004-02-03 08:23:32
great sci-fi adventure... if you liked the cp blood atmosphere get this... purple saturn day sucks...
Sokaret wrote ...2003-04-08 18:46:47
Yeaah ! I saw this game in a spanish magazine in 1989 and I love it ! , 12 years late I can play with it !!!!!!!!!! I want it in spanish !!!!! Great Game !
Bloodstone2k wrote ...2003-01-26 00:55:33
Exxos ALWAYS had a strange idea of game-design, but this, Captian Blood and Purple Saturn Day are among a handful of games that I clearly remember. Innovation... a lost art these days.
botteu wrote ...2002-02-21 07:30:34
I remember i played this game a lot... i also remember that i didn't understand most of it ;) and yet i played it over and over again... and now some ten years later, i feel like playing it again.
Tomasz wrote ...2002-02-20 09:06:34
Yeah, a really strange game. It is a kind of adventure, you have to solve several puzzles in some strange rooms, while talking to some strange beings. ATA ATA HOGLO HULU - as we always say.
Daemonwings wrote ...2001-11-05 21:46:45
A great (yet really, really weird)game...if you can figure it out! The best way to play this one is to skip reading the docs, as they give away too much info. This title was also released on the PC as "Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess" but IMHO the ST version is superior.