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Publisher: Thalion     Developer: Thalion
Year of release: 1990

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Screen Shot Required Click here to listen to the music from Dragonflight on-line
Genres : Action / Fantasy / Roleplaying

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ST Format
# 15 - Oct 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Stéphane Smirnow wrote ...2004-03-31 04:20:30
Not quite agree! I played that game for hours almost 13 years ago, and even if the graphics and sounds were not the top, the music was pretty good, and the behind story (if you first read the provided story book) was far above other RPG games at that time. The only problem of that game (and it IS a problem) is that, at least in french version, you cannot complete the game as you need to answer a reedle near the end of the game, for which the answer is somewhere in the story book. Unfortunately, the french story book seems to have some bad translation (from german), which leads to an inconsistency with the program...so no one, as I know, could ever finish the french version of the game :-( Anyway, the story was such good that I would enjoy to play it again when I have time...
Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-01-29 12:02:50
ST Action summary: There have been many RPG games ducking in and out of the ST market for a number of years now. Unfortunately, Dragonflight doesn't compliment a very respectable side of ST games. The graphics aren't particulary attractive and the sound is extremely lacking. The special combat sequences are initially quite effective but then you realise how poor it really is. The actual controls are simple to use and pose no problems in using, as they clearly depict graphically what they do. Nevertheless, there are much better RPG buys available and you shouldn't be spending your money on a dissapointing Dragonflight. The three years it took to develop have apparently been wasted. Rating = 63 %