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The Colonel's Bequest
Publisher: Sierra On-line     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1990

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The One
# 18 - Mar 90

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Wdll wrote ...2003-07-23 20:08:58
I have never played this game but it does bring some bad memories. At two points in my life I lost my favourite game of all times, Colonial Conquest. The first when I still had my ST and wherever I tried at the time to find it they were telling me, Do you mean colonel's bequest? NOOOOO. At another time when I did the mistake of my life and selling my ST, I kept trying to find the game again for the.....amiga, and again I would come across people telling me the above. After less than I year I gave up the amiga and went for my first pc. anyway, I would like to try to play this game now just to see if it is any good. :-)
Per PĂ„lsson wrote ...2003-03-13 05:33:52
I got this game in 1992 and was immediately captured by it. The graphics are nice and add to game's great atmosphere. I have spent many ours trying to solve it but still haven't managed to 100%. This is a game that I still enjoy playing now and then, not bad after more than 10 years!