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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: Go!     Developer: Probe
Year of release: 1988

Box scan missing - can you help? 1943 Click here to listen to the music from 1943 on-line
Genres : Coin-op Conversion / Shoot-em-up

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of The One
The One
# 3 - Dec 88
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ST Action
# 8 - Dec 88

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

adam payne wrote ...2006-09-27 10:26:54
I never played the arcade version because I was not old enough to go into the local arcade :( so I had to stick to this ST conversion. The graphics weren't very good, the SFX weren't very good but the playability was good and of course you had the Jason Brooke music to listen to.
Martin Sutcliffe wrote ...2004-04-25 11:29:52
Rubbish conversion of a great arcade game, seems OK until you play the arcade version it's like they converted it & took all the good bits out.
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-15 22:11:17
My brother used to play this game all the time back in 1990 in the arcades. I don't think he ever got the chance to play the Atari ST version. It's a fun game to play and it's very similar to Flying Shark. Except, it's easier than Flying Shark. 1943 can be found on Automation compact disk 22.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-01-14 16:00:50
Hmm, a very bad conversion. I played the arcade version (both as a machine and on MAME) and it is ways better than the ST version. Flying Shark is somewhat as like as it and much better on the ST.
Feige wrote ...2002-01-06 19:57:52
Nice game and a lot of fun. The only strange thing was how to get good weapons - You could combine spread-shot with power-shots etc... After all: the 8-bit version on the Commodore C16 (!) was far better...its name was "Reach out for the sky"... Alex
snake wrote ...2001-11-19 10:09:56