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Publisher: Firebird     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1988

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Genres : 3D / Action / Shoot-em-up / Strategy
Programmer : David Braben    

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ST Action
# 5 - Sep 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

NeckBrace wrote ...2004-10-11 17:11:59
Maybe the guy who reviewed this for ST action was the guy who gave Oids a score in the 60s - they're both fantastic games, but not for wimps. Every time you die in this, you know it's your own fault. It takes practice, but once mastered it's full of thrills and spills.
SaTcom2 wrote ...2004-03-08 01:39:32
Defender in 3D on acid. My kind of game! Controls, like all great classics (Defender, Robotron, Tempest, Asteroids) are completely alien at first (remember when games were different?) but come on, learn them. It gives you that virtual feeling (whatever that is) on your ST like no other game!And hey everyone, don't forget about the PC sequel V2000! Harder to find than hell, but worth the effort.
david poole wrote ...2003-08-18 10:30:33
Dave D you must have some serious hand eye coordination problems as once mastered this game was a dream to play and deserved must more than 'st actions' 75%. where did they get those reviewers from?
Saif Ahmed wrote ...2003-02-03 11:36:22
The first game I played on the ST, and I have only just got the hang of it...My favorite !
kingrolo wrote ...2002-12-18 15:50:44
This is almost the only game I keep coming back to even now. I find it very difficult to put down. I've never used the mouse to control the ship - I always use keys. It's just great. Really addictive to see how smoothly I can fly the ship. Top wotcha!
Lars Jansson wrote ...2002-06-24 10:50:50
This game is my all-time favourite. I played it like crazy on the ST and later on my Amiga (the higher res Amiga mouse took some getting used to, though...). Dave D IS lying! ;) Guus: the teeth was a little bit too big to be a whale imho, but yes, it was worth 1000 points. :)
Dave D wrote ...2002-05-03 17:38:23
Impossible to play. And no, I'm not lying (and this is someone who found the controls for Hard Drivin very easy). Just a touch of the mouse would send your craft flying into the ground. The graphics were excellent, though not as good as some here seem to believe. I'm sorry, but I really hated this game and regard it as the worst one I bought. I bought it on the strength of one review in ACE magazine that gave it 98% - I think they forgot to finish the calculation ... 100% - 98% = 2%!
Guus wrote ...2002-03-15 16:08:59
I agree with Feige here, the 3d feeling in this game is absolutely superb! It's actually as if your hand is holding the craft you're flying. I remember seeing (and shooting) something that resembled a whale once. If memory serves, it gave me 1000 points (which was a lot). I never found it again, though...
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-16 20:03:20
great to play, flying around shooting things.. I didn't have a clue what I was doing but I had damn good fun doing it :D
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 01:21:30
I agree the controls were great once mastered.
Feige wrote ...2001-12-12 10:30:52
Great game with fast 3D-gfx. Some say it has a nasty steering and it was impossible to play. Don't listen to them, people who say this are lying. You steer a little craft over the surface and lots of ufos start to spread alien viruses onto the earth. So, guess what, You have to shoot them, but the 3D-feeling is unbelievable good! The first ufos just land and spread viruses...easy targets, but later many other types of ufos appear with different defence-systems and also much faster. Sound: 60% Gfx: 100% Gameplay: 80% All in all: 85%
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2001-11-04 15:22:27
A game with a very decent 3D environment. A shame that I never saw nor played the Archimedes version called Zarch.