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Turbo Cup
Publisher: Loriciels     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1988

Box scan missing - can you help? Turbo Cup Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Racing

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The One
# 3 - Dec 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Grunaki wrote ...2009-10-05 21:49:21
I actually bought this back in the day - mainly because it came with a nice scale model Porsche like the one in the game. (Which I eventually traded with my friend for another ST game). The game itself was pretty mediocre though.
Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-04-07 11:09:38
ST Action Compilation Review: (Sport's Best: Panza Kick Boxing - Tennis Cup - Turbo Cup) . The oldest game on the compilation and the one that, it has to be said, looks like the space filler. It's a car game that does look pretty dated by the today's high standards but it does move pretty smoothly. The cars, for the most part Porches, while well drawn aren't animated that well and the game just looks a bit tacky on the whole. Going round corners is a bit of laugh as each vehicle only has a couple of frames of animation and seems to be driving around at an angle all the time. There are four racing circuits to try out which isn't really that many but you probably won't be buying this compilation for Turbo Cup in the first place, which is probably a very good job indeed!. - Paul