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Trip a Tron
Publisher: Llamasoft     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: Unknown

Box scan missing - can you help? Trip a Tron Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Karen wrote ...2006-05-01 01:06:52
Utterly bizarre. We got this free with ST Format and I don't even know quite what to call it - some kind of graphics producer?! Anyway, you could choose different shapes and effects, and then whizzling the mouse around the screen would produce pretty patterns and tails - a bit like a fireworks show. My overriding memory is when my brother used to shut the curtains in the living room, he'd put the Shamen on the stereo, and we would create graphics to go with the music. I was on colour duty - the colours were altered using the numerical keypad, so as we hit the chorus, he'd shout out "Four! Now six!" Kept us entertained for hours and really showed off what you could do with an ST.