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Time Machine
Publisher: Activision     Developer: Vivid Image Design
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Time Machine Click here to listen to the music from Time Machine on-line
Genres : Action / Puzzle

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ST Format
# 16 - Nov 90

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-01-29 13:57:50
ST Action Summary: Mev Dinc and the Vivid Image Design team have worked hard on Time Machine. The game is a well balanced mixture of arcade gameplay and adventurous lateral thinking. The action takes place over twenty-five well-drawn sections and, although you may think it all sounds a little too easy, the puzzles are all interlinked, offering an impressive challenge. Although the game will take quite some time to complete, Time Machine won't hold much lasting appeal. Rating = 74 %