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The Simpsons Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1991

Click here to see the box of this game on-line The Simpsons Bart vs. the Space Mutants Click here to listen to the music from The Simpsons Bart vs. the Space Mutants on-line
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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ST Format
# 31 - Feb 92

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt_B wrote ...2006-09-05 07:38:26
I somehow landed a copy of this game as a freebie; it might have been through a magzine subscription or something. It wasn't anything outstanding as far as jump and dodge games go, but was playable enough. The poor rendition of the theme tune would definitely send even fans of the show up the wall if left running for too long though.
Violent_Cat wrote ...2004-07-23 09:50:21
I remember this game it was very fun to play it
Violent_Cat wrote ...2004-07-23 09:50:11
I remember this game it was very fun to play it
Shad_War wrote ...2003-09-16 16:00:22
never actually tried the cheat so i newer got past the third level. But the game is still alot of fun even today
Ant wrote ...2001-11-06 16:53:33
Cool game, the cheat is COWABUNGA on the tv screen for infinate lives, that made it a little easier.