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The Sentinel
Publisher: Rainbird     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: Unknown

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Tweeze wrote ...2010-04-19 16:30:46
It tries my patience. Very unique. Very difficult. But it compels you to return. You'll get mad at it, but you WILL come back.
Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 13:39:55
I found it very difficult, and pretty scary once the sentinel spotted you. The vector graphics were beautiful though. Wasn't there a sequel?
Dai wrote ...2002-06-13 11:12:50
Classic, big, bad and boggling.
Rui del-Negro wrote ...2002-03-10 18:58:21
These are the rules: you have a certain amount of energy that you can use to create trees, boulders and robots. You can teleport yourself into the robots. You can also absorb trees, boulders and empty robots as long as you can see the surface they're standing on. In the highest point of the map stands the Sentinel, slowly turning around. If it sees you, it will drain your energy and use it to create trees. The energy is never lost, but if you lose all of it, you die. You need to gain enough height to absorb the Sentinel while trying to avoid its gaze. The graphics are (nice but) simple, the music (excellent but) is short. But it's so addictive you just can't stop playing. And there are thousands, or tens of thousands of levels. An excellent game of pure strategy and one of the few truly original computer games of all time.
Mark Ashford wrote ...2002-01-07 07:47:40
This is one of those games unlike any other. You view the world through your own eyes and have to move around by absorbing things like trees and rocks from the world around you. All the time you're being watched by The Sentinel from the highes point of the map. You have to get to a point on the map so you are high enough to see his feet and then absord him. Sounds wierd, but it's great, especially when you get spotted and the sentinel starts to absorb your energy and you have to get out of his sight. I recommend this game to everyone.