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Prince of Persia
Publisher: Domark     Developer: Broderbund
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : Platform

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# 28 - Jan 91
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# 19 - Feb 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Stevie B wrote ...2006-05-02 02:43:45
my memories of this are the same as bazfan's....i remember this being on the cover of all the mags of the day and seeing screenshots and seeing them talk about the "next generation" animation.....reminds me a lot of Another World.
Bornagainst wrote ...2004-11-17 15:29:26
Classic platformer. beautiful animation and some Very tricky puzzles! - it took me ages to realise what to do with the Mirror.
retrokid wrote ...2004-07-21 16:53:53
Yes the fluid animation of the main sprite was very good for its day, so so gameplay and the digisounds were ok as well
Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 13:02:25
A real classic, I struggled to collect the sword, let alone get through the Vizier's tower in time. Talking of influences, I think Tomb Raider owes a lot to this game too (what with it's careful nature about jumping and traps).
Josef Harringer wrote ...2003-08-01 05:15:32
This was the first game I bought for my ST and actually the first game I ever bought. PoP did something wierd to me and that's why I'm still a gamer at age 30.
Stewart McGuinness wrote ...2003-06-08 15:26:35
The animation was great, better even than Immortal (which was much talked about because of such) , and they had included sampled sounds & brilliant gameplay. I loved the gulping, they should have flung in a burp for effect though. If I remember when I upgraded to a Meg this game got better sound quality, class.
Pam wrote ...2003-05-25 12:12:12
compeletly different from the usual ST games, new concepts and because of that is one of the more memorable games for the Atari, took me ages to finally get the hang of it though!
bazfan wrote ...2003-02-02 17:18:34
I can play this on my gx10 mobile phone. I remember when thus first came out, the animation on the main sprite was amazing, and the most talked about feature in all the game mags reviews. I liked the way you could hang on to the ledge then pull your self up.
Naykon wrote ...2002-09-14 13:33:48
windows 3.1 was this games real home
Darkbee wrote ...2002-05-18 08:43:39
Being an ST gaming website I don't really want to comment on the merits of other versions but for me the PC version was more realistic. There seemed to be a slight element of cartoony graphics on the ST version. That said, still very playable and of course set a new standard for in game animation. Even though I completed the game I occasionally would go back to it to do death defying leaps and swash buckle with some persian dudes wearing bed sheets. Great game.
James5353 wrote ...2002-04-07 09:17:46
Inspired game, played ICO on PS 2 recently which seems to owe it a bit of a debt.
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 00:47:13
WHAT!? the PC version sucked!! anyway, this is a truly fantastic game. Smooth animation, atmosphere and great puzzles. I also loved the simple yet rewarding combat system. great.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-01-14 16:05:36
Very nice game indeed. The first time I played on the 286er of my younger cousine. Then on the Amiga of a friend. I personally think the PC version is more playable that the ST one but the ST one is as playable as well. There is a way on quicksolving the first level, saving precious minutes.
ali wrote ...2001-11-20 16:39:15
I bought this game (prince of persia) on Game boy colour, but sorry to say, nothing can take the original version of prince of persia on the Atari ST!
triggahappy wrote ...2001-11-15 18:54:02
I can not belive i'm the first to coment on this one. It is one of the best games i've played. You've got 1 hour to get through 12 levels (i think) and save the princess. It has excellent animation, tough traps and even tougher bad guys to swashbuckle with. I completed the game, lent it to a mate and the fucker copied over it. I'll get it again soon and post a better report.