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The Hunt for Red October 2
Publisher: Grandslam Entertainment     Developer: AVM
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? The Hunt for Red October 2 Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Keith Nolde wrote ...2006-03-18 12:30:18
Thanks to your marvelous web site I am once again enjoying the fun of 'Tass Times in Tone Town', a rather wacky and off-beat graphics adventure thats sure not to offend anyone. Thanks for all your efforts in maintaining support for this excellent piece of computing history. Atari ST were the best PERIOD. Cheers, Keith
Guus wrote ...2002-03-15 17:43:38
Not a bad attempt of a film turned into a game, but it lacks gameplay. The two levels in which you have to manouvre your sub underwater are by far the best levels to play, the others seem just to be some glue to hold the story together. To bad the gameplay is that linear, with little more effort, this could've been a great game.