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The Blues Brothers
Publisher: Titus     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1991

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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ST Format
# 29 - Dec 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

grams88 wrote ...2009-06-29 15:15:52
Here's another really good game in my opinion yet simple enough in some aspects it can get really challenging if you try to do it without cheating. The two player aspect is quite good but only one annoying thing I can think is you can only stay in player ones screen. The music in the game is quite good considering it's got the movie songs. The first level song in the game is Everybody needs somebody to love good song. Just like the movie I would say.
Man Man wrote ...2007-10-11 19:09:11
Ha ha! Man, I haven't seen this thing in years. I used to play this on our old ST all the time. I actually got to the point where I could beat the first level in under a minute. It's a great game.
Lee Tennant wrote ...2003-12-21 11:19:12
Thi is one of my other platform games i played for hours on the ST, all the music from the film is in there. I think for the time it was a very playable platform game.
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 15:50:19
Ant.. I think the other one was Titus the fox.. by the same people, a bit better too.. mind you, I have fond memories of this game... well.. that fact that is wasn't too bad to play. yes, the scrolling was rank, but that was the way for most ST games that didn't try... the music was quite funny too.. a 3 channel rendition of 'peter gunn'... but still recognisable... it wasn'rt as bad as most of the ocean and us gold stuff flying around at the time.
ManTra wrote ...2001-12-24 08:31:04
The concept was the usual platform stuff, what I hated about this game was the 16-pixel scrolling.. it was really horrible.. It really put me off
Ant wrote ...2001-11-06 17:19:31
Me and my friends Steve spent our whole lives playing this game. Theres another 1 like it but i have no idea what its called can someone please tell me. please it was even better............