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Team Suzuki
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1991

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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# 30 - Mar 91
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# 21 - Apr 91

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Paddy B wrote ...2003-05-16 19:40:11
got into this after getting the demo on ONE, seemed fast and first 3d motorbikr game i played, stadium graphics could have been better not as good as microprose f1 grand prix, but did get 15 disks at a schoool summer fair to re-write at a time when 720kb disks cost 50 pence per disk that was a result, seriously alright game and from the scren shot nice graphics for the opening shot...
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-10-09 11:52:56
Actually I prefer "No Second Prize" by Thalion - gameplay is much the same and the graphics are better IMHO. Both games play bad - at least I have problems with the controls. Not a bad game but IMHO not the winner in its class.
CalM@PLAY wrote ...2001-12-28 08:25:48
Team Suzuki was my first color game on my ST. I rememer as it was yesterday as i opend the box the first time. After starting the game i was suppriesed by the , for this times, very good graphics. The sound was for the ST okay, but if i want to start a race the FPS droped down to unplayable speed at my ST. On a STE this Problem wasen't. The Game offered a very well race mode , a practice mode as well as single race. It was possible to change the cammera view, turn off or on the driver. Finally Graphics : good Sound : well it sounds okay ps : sorry for my bad english